OK so I have a CAFFEINE Addiction...It all started in the winter of 2008 with just a little sip of my sister in laws coffee...To my surprise it tasted pretty good I ended up drinking half her cup.
Every since that day I have been hooked on coffee...My mom was surprised when I told her that I loved coffee because when I was younger I hated everything about it!
Every since that day I have been hooked on coffee...My mom was surprised when I told her that I loved coffee because when I was younger I hated everything about it!
This last past year that's when my addition really started happening. I would drink 7 cups of coffee a day! I just loved it so much I loved the rush of energy it gave me...it just woke me up and made me a happier person. I could not go a day without my coffee if i did i would get headaches and just feel tired! I started having problems with my heart I would get chest pains all the time...it turned out to be from my anxiety and i had a innocent heart murmur. All my doctors said Stay away from Coffee! Soon my friends, teachers, and parents said Stay away from coffee!!!
I did not want to hear them all telling me that! I loved my coffee and felt awful without it...but everyone said to Stay away form it so I did...It was very hard to just stop drinking it like that...I had a hard time I would dream about drinking it and think all the time about it and I got a lot of headaches without my coffee. I tried so Hard to stop drinking some days i would slip and have one cup I would feel so guilty that i did it...It toke a long time to stop having so much coffee i cut back a lot and now I'm down to having 1 cup a week...From Tim Horton's I have a XL all the time well at least when i get the chance too...The important thing is that now i don't depend on it all the time i can go days with out my coffee and still be a happy person.
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